OnPrem is Now Qvest!

Our Plan of Action

We will continue to fight against unconscious biases and marketplace injustices that are perpetuated out of convenience.

We are ensuring intersectional representation across all future hiring.

Compensation and Promotions – We are bringing in experts to advise on our existing practice of ensuring no unconscious bias exists in our compensation and promotion practices.

  • Update: In November 2020 we engaged Marsh & McLennan Agency, a firm specializing in this area. In April 2021 they completed their engagement. We are happy to report that their analysis has validated that we have a pay equity in our hiring, compensation and promotion processes.

Equity Programs – We will implement mentorship and training programs focused on equity to ensure opportunities to succeed. We will enlist outside resources to guide us and identify additional programs.

  • Update – We engaged USC Marshall to provide research and suggestions on DE&I practices along with panel discussions with leading DE&I experts. We re-organized our DE&I Pod to include separate leads and teams for Diversity and Equity and Inclusion who will all focus on best practices within their specific scope. This initiative requires ongoing analysis to come up with meaningful recommendations.

Support and Education – We will create additional employee resource groups to continue to support and educate each other.

  • Update – We rolled out a new ERG Application process at the end of 2020 and will continue to push ERG involvement in 2021. Our current ERGs are: WOO-Woman of OnPrem and OnPride for LBTGQIA community. We anticipate an AAPI ERG being added this year. We are also creating a ERG Slack channels in order to create communication channels for our diverse communities and allies within OnPrem. 

Matching – We are currently matching any donation made by any team member to organizations working towards a more just and inclusive world.

OnPrem’s partners are donating towards causes that address long term solutions that impact socio-economic, legislative, and enforcement inequities. Focus areas include:

  • Economic disparity
  • Electorate representation
  • Inequity in educational opportunities

We may make mistakes along the way but know that we will lean on our core values and the council of our internal and external resources to guide us.